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The Hunger Games Trilogy

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Wow... four movies from three books. Sounds interesting... I can understand how that taking of the capitol could be one movie alone, just the sheer complexities involved in creating that in a movie based from the book would be mind blowing.

Good to know, thanks.
Okay I've read and finished chapter 15 in book one. Will comment tomorrow it's a great book better than the The Tigers Wife and easier to follow. You just can't put it down. Will comment tomorrow after a good nights sleep.
What is the genre of this trilogy? It appears to be more science fiction than fantasy.

Although it is a futuristic setting it brings to mind the similarity of the old Roman's times when they were the ruling power for over three hundred years. The time of the gladiators was pretty much the same. They were also taken as captives, although their names weren't pulled out of a cap. Trained in fighting techniques, fed properly to keep up their strength and made to fight each other in an arena. The strongest survived to fight another day. On rare occasions some were given freedom after being in service for a period of time.

Have finished book one The Hunger Games and have started book two. I read Anthony's comments relating to Haymitch's PTSD which is glaringly obvious earlier on in the story. How does one survive the trauma of fighting and killing to stay alive without being traumatised. The rewards and glory are insignificant, once the realisation of what lay ahead in the future becomes obvious. Instead of the whole ordeal being over, the winner is delegated the task of training their potential successor. The only way to survive is to harden yourself emotionally or was the case with Haymitch, turn to alcohol to blot it out as much as possible.

Katniss was eleven when her dearly beloved father died in a mine explosion in District 12. The pain and loss she felt stayed with her and occasionally she would allow herself the memory of it for a brief moment. Her mother retreated into her own world leaving Katniss as the hunter, gatherer in the family. With the knowledge she acquired from her father she learnt the skills and alertness that helped her stay alive in the arena. She had adjusted to her own 'normality' where showing emotion was a luxury that she could not afford. She was extremely cautious as to who she trusted which was another survival skill. By the age of sixteen she had the mental strength and capacity of a person way beyond her years. In a sense she was more of a mother/protector of her sister than her own mother.
What is the genre of this trilogy? It appears to be more science fiction than fantasy.
Sci-Fi is its genre.

turn to alcohol to blot it out as much as possible.
Hence what most military do...

I must agree, it would suck in this case as a winner, as you said, having to then train the following people. For those districts with only one or two surviving winners, it is near a given compared to the career districts who train people specifically for it, volunteering regardless who's name is called out in their district.

By the age of sixteen she had the mental strength and capacity of a person way beyond her years. In a sense she was more of a mother/protector of her sister than her own mother.
Seen this in conflict zones myself... kids being far more mature than their age due to the surrounding circumstances. Scary when you think about it... near like abusive scenarios, the kids are looking after the adult/s more often than not.
When the adult fails, basically, a child's brain is within development and requires certain emotional needs in order to develop. Whilst unhealthy, when the adults are not forth-giving with such emotional needs to satisfy the child, the child instinctively takes matters into their own hands and does what has to be done until they get a positive response from the adult that does satisfy their developmental needs.

Again, whilst completely unhealthy and proven to have detrimental affects upon the child as they mature into adulthood, until they mature they do not know what they did was unhealthy. They needed specific needs met to feel loved and wanted, accepted, safe, etc, and when the parents don't give those within a parental role, the child seeks them out for themselves... again, without understanding what is unhealthy.

From statistics, this typically becomes unhealthy for the child in adolescence through acting out... then continues to manifest into adulthood, all depending on how the situation continues to evolve over time.

It is the abuse cycle in essence, as this will normally produce symptoms and issues within that child in adulthood. If they then have children, the same can occur because that is how they were raised, being looking after their parent/s. Some break it, some perpetuate the cycle.
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