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Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy

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Yeah, sorry KP, should have put a spoiler warning on it... that's the problem with having people at all sorts of different stages of reading. You won't be disappointed, and will look forward to your thoughts and discussion as you get going on book 2. For me, I actually think book 2 was the best in terms of a standalone story.

Yeah, sorry KP, should have put a spoiler warning on it...

No need to apologise, as soon as I realised I stopped reading so nothing is spoilt.

Book 2 has been dispatched so hopefully will arrive within the next few days. Next week, after pay day I'll also order book 3, so I won't have to wait.
I have started book 2. Oh my, what a first few chapters. I'm going to enjoy this.

The weather has improved so much, the patio furniture has been cleaned and is in place. I envisage a lovely day tomorrow sat in the sun and reading.
I have had a lovely 2 days relaxing and reading. I sit in the garden and it is so pleasant. I am loving book 2 although I have a way to go.

I have just reached the part where Lisbeth has been chased and has realised it is Bur thingy (her guardian) who has tried to have her killed. The last line I read today said he needed punishing :eek:.

So I am not caught waiting, I ordered book 3 today.
Holy sh*t, book 2 cannot end there. If book 3 does not arrive tomorrow, I will not be held responsible for my actions.

OK, logic says she survives or there wouldn't be a third book. Oh my, talk about twists and turns, the outcome about who Zala was took me by complete surprise.
I watched the English movie this weekend, and I have to say it is extremely close to the first book. It exceeds two and a half hours, so I believe they changed a part at the end with Ana being in London, who they tapped to discover Harriet in Australia. Instead Harriet had assumed Ana's life in London, as they looked near identical when Ana died in an accident.

Other than that, the English movie version is just soooooooo close to the book, it is near identical. I have to give them a huge thumbs up for doing that, as rarely do they stick with the book. The Swedish version was excellent, though they deviated from the book so much, and left so much out, that if you hadn't read the book you wouldn't understand so much underlying information.
It exceeds two and a half hours, so I believe they changed a part at the end with Ana being in London, who they tapped to discover Harriet in Australia. Instead Harriet had assumed Ana's life in London, as they looked near identical when Ana died in an accident.

I hate it when they change major parts like that.

Was Daniel Craig gorgeous? :rolleyes:
Book 3 arrived and has been read with great enjoyment.

I found all of the internal spy stuff and The Section a bit longwinded and admit I did skip a few lines to get to the action. I love, Plague, Trinity etc, I wish I had their expertise I know a few folk I'd like to bring down :devilish:.

It seems to me that Lisbeth is beginning to grow up and realise she can't stay on the reclusive island which she has built around her. It was nice to see her slowly begin to trust people again.

It is such a shame that Steig Larson died so young, it would have been great to follow her story further. Oh well, that is what my imagination is for.

Anyone have a spare nail gun? ;)
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