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The Hunger Games Trilogy

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Probably spoilers in this thread for people not familiar with the Hunger Games books/movies.

I was just curious about how other people felt about The Hunger Games?

I do think that, despite the fact that the series is geared towards a "young adult/teen" audience, there is a lot that I relate too.

It's really strange because I found the third book and the second movie to be a bit triggering for me, but it is also really rare for me to see anything in any type of media that reflects my emotions and responses to some of the traumas that I have experienced.

A lot of the time I feel like Katniss in the second book when she can't decide if Finnick is an enemy or a friend and doesn't know whether to shoot him or not...I really relate to that sort of paranoia. I always think people are going to hurt me or turn on me and sometimes it makes me lash out at people who really aren't trying to hurt me.

One thing in the books that I have actually applied to real life is the real/not real thing Peeta has to do in the third book. Won't go into too much detail since I don't know how many are following books vs. movies but I got a ring on Etsy that says Real/Not Real on it and I wear it a lot. It helps sometimes when I am having negative thoughts about myself or am dissociating or getting triggered.

Just curious to know other people's thoughts on this series since I think it's relevant to us!
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