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Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy

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I absolutely *adored* this series and was so sad when I finished it....I'm a member of Goodreads.com as well, and immediately asked for recommendations of others like it and was steered towards Midwinter Blood by Mons Kallentoft.....first thing that hit me about the name was "Kalle".... and Blomkvist entered my head all over again. I heard that the Larsson series was to have included about 10 or more installments. It's a damn shame he passed away, unable to finish.

If you don't think this is your genre, put those doubts aside and read this series!!! This was my first foray into crime fiction and man, what an introduction it was!! I read all three books in about two and a half weeks. Aside from the book Columbine, no other has had me so engrossed in a story like this one did. Couldn't get it out of my mind for weeks...took me a while to "be ready" for another book.
OK, I'm getting nervous now and the book hasn't even arrived. I don't take torture scenes well - I gave up watching a movie called Unbelievable - Samuel L jackson because of the torture scenes, they were just too graphic for me. :eek:.

KP - I read the books and watched the movies - and as the victim of a rape in which I suffered permanent damage, I thought I wouldn't be able to bear it either. During the torture scene for Lisbeth, my heart pounded, my hands dripped with sweat, and I stopped reading for a bit to get grounded. The book is so compelling though. Then when Lisbeth gets here revenge - wow, it is glorious, perfectly thought out - empowering.

If Girl3 and Girl2 can both agree that Lisbeth Salander is the best thing in a heroine, it's not just good it's great. I hope you can read the books; Steig Larsson was a brilliant story teller.

I read each book over a weekend - I couldn't put them down. I picked up the first book in the airport, flying back to my daughter. I couldn't wait for the next one to come out. The books came out before I knew my own diagnosis and in retrospect, I now understand the strong feelings they invoked.
Ever since I read these over a year ago I can't find any other books I like as well or any fiction that captures me like these did. I LOVE them!
I'm a little surprised to hear you (Anthony) say you liked the American version better than the Swedish version. I had a really intense opposite experience. Everything about the American version felt *wrong* to me. Even the brief view we get of Plague made me feel bad. The woman they had playing Lisbeth was totally physically wrong--she was tall and willowy and just gave the wrong impression.

It's interesting how opinions vary. :) My therapist told me to read this series. I read it in three days. I've watched the extended Swedish trilogy (available streaming on Netflix!) approximately six times over the past six months.

I'm so hooked. I still have never read The Hunger Games. :)
I didn't say it as American anything... it was the English version in Sweden of the book, not the Swedish version in Sweden.

The English version depicted far closer to the book than the Swedish version.
I do agree they screwed up some of the characterisation... no doubt about it. The swedish version, they dumped so much of the story that you had to have read the books to piece together the movie. The English version, you didn't. The storyline was depicted near perfect, missing very little and having a full understanding all the way through.

I have both here, and have watched both the full swedish trilogy many times, and the English version as well... and I come to the same conclusion each time. One you need to read the books, the other, you could watch the movie and talk with anyone who had read the books equally.

IMHO... I love it when films correctly depict the original version if first in print.
Probably a stupid question, but are the rape scenes as graphic in the English version? A few years back I saw all three of the Swedish version, and those scenes were incredibly difficult to sit through.
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