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ED I am so tired of anorexia

I know how you feel. Food is tricky cause like we want it and need it. And yet, unfortunately, it's there when we're stressed too. However, I do agree with the idea of not counting anything. Less stress that way.
i’m back there too. i did the attempt at stopping counting for awhile. now pants fit slightly tighter and i’m inching back into deeper restriction. it’s really hell.

for me i think it has something to do with feeling my body more and how awful that is. maybe something like that. it is so awful being in a body.

i’m also 40 and worried that years of this behavior off and on is soon going to show up in ugly ways medically.
wow i had no idea. maybe i’ll talk to my psychiatrist about it.
The thought is that the same hyper-awareness ADHD has about... everything... shares a process with the hyperawareness anorexics have with our bodies. So every "roll" of fat (not really, just skin touching other skin) & all of the revulsion attached TO that hyoerawareness just... poof! Vanishes. Along with the intrusive thoughts, rumination, panic/SI, etc. Either magically gone, or able to be mentally 'set aside' to be thought about later. It's a mind blowing experience.

I have (off the charts) ADHD, so that's what I took it for... my psychiatrist almost fell out of his chair laughing when I came in talking about my ED just being... gone. He couldn't get me to shut up about the anorexia to talk about my ADHD "Yes, yes. We actually prescribe it for anorexia, more often than for ADHD, just at lower doses."

In the ED circles I run/ran in? Roughly a third to half the people I knew were on it.

One DOES have to learn to be careful about baths/showers (and a few other things, like hot drinks, sunburns, etc). As it's still possible to tell hot/cold (it doesn't numb things) BUT not exactly HOW hot/cold. It's easy to scald yourself on accident.