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What are you attracted to?


It was reminded to me, recently, the “Bright Points” that attract us to certain individuals.

His? Innocence. Wit. Allure.

Mine? Cocky. Mischievous. Patient Hunter.

Even a single trait draws us towards an indivudal, but finding them all in one person? Rare and priceless.

How about you? Do you know what draws you close? Do you trust it? Have you found pieces of it?
Honesty & integrity
Someone who can stand up for themselves/others, can say no, I can’t abide fawning & people pleasing
Their own life/hobbies/friends
Grit & determination, my mumma didn’t raise a quitter 💖
Humour, able to laugh at themselves, (and me!)
Mental strength, carry them boats 💪

In certain circles, most of the above is reasonably common. So yes, I’ve found it and bits of it in plenty of places.

I’d say for me though, my list of ‘can’ts’ Is far shorter and more important because those are absolute deal breakers, where as the list above is in bits and pieces, I’m very likely to respect someone from the above even if we don’t click romantically.
attraction to our wrong partners as being similar to being attracted to an “alluringly colorful but deadly poisonous amazon jungle tree frog” like god put them here to be noticed but best left alone
Love this! Stashing in my own bag of aphorisms.

I remember asking T why I kept falling for the wrong people or making the same mistakes and she said it’s normal for us to want to test ourselves and also normal to forget and learn again.

How many times as parents did we need to say “don’t touch that?” That’s what my wise self has to say repeatedly to my insecure impulsive fragile child self.
I don’t even know anymore. I’m avoiding dating and anyone who could possibly be interested in me or I in them. I don’t trust whatever draws me people and them to me.

I guess I could say the things I’d want in a partner, entirely based on what I don’t want.

Patient, compassionate, communicative, solution-oriented, motivated, thoughtful.