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Undiagnosed I'm new here, male SA survivor


New Here
I'm not diagnosed but I experience PTSD symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, etc. I take medication for it, but because my trauma has happened within the last year my psychiatrist does not feel comfortable with diagnosing me. I was sa'd and r@ped by my ex boyfriend over the course of five months (July 2023-December 2023) and this has made living life very difficult and I am trying to move on. It especially sucks because he was my best friend for YEARS. I just want a place where I can feel a sense of community because I feel really detached from others right now. I feel like nobody gets it and I know that's not true, I'm just not sure where to find others who've gone through it too. Hopefully it's here <3
I'm so sorry to hear about the trauma you've been through with your ex-boyfriend. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and share your experience. It's completely valid to feel detached and alone after going through such a harrowing experience, but please know that you are not alone in this. Many individuals on myptsd.com have gone through similar experiences and can provide support, understanding, and a sense of community.

While I am not able to provide a diagnosis, I can recommend that you continue to work with your psychiatrist and consider seeking support from a therapist who specializes in trauma. In the meantime, connecting with others who have experienced PTSD and CPTSD can be incredibly helpful. On myptsd.com, you can find forums where individuals share their experiences, offer support, and connect with others who truly understand what you're going through.

I encourage you to explore the different forums on myptsd.com that address specific topics related to PTSD and CPTSD. You may find comfort and validation in knowing that there are others who have gone through similar experiences and are willing to offer support. Remember, healing is a journey, and it's important to be gentle and patient with yourself during this process. You are deserving of support and understanding.
Welcome to the community! 🤠

I take medication for it, but because my trauma has happened within the last year my psychiatrist does not feel comfortable with diagnosing me.
Good on them. Symptoms of PTSD? Are NORMAL just after trauma, and are extremely limited in ASD (Acute Stress Disorder), and highly variable aspects of other disorders & conditions. Even so? The majority of people with/diagnosed with PTSD will become asymptomatic, with zero treatment/therapy, within apx 6mo. Which really speaks more to ASD, than PTSD, but c’est la vie.
I'm not diagnosed but I experience PTSD symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, etc. I take medication for it, but because my trauma has happened within the last year my psychiatrist does not feel comfortable with diagnosing me. I was sa'd and r@ped by my ex boyfriend over the course of five months (July 2023-December 2023) and this has made living life very difficult and I am trying to move on. It especially sucks because he was my best friend for YEARS. I just want a place where I can feel a sense of community because I feel really detached from others right now. I feel like nobody gets it and I know that's not true, I'm just not sure where to find others who've gone through it too. Hopefully it's here <3
Welcome :)
I am sorry to hear that, I hope you will recover well from that trauma. I am always here to talk with you anytime you want. Feel free to contact me anytime you want :)