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  1. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress questionnaire :

    Thanks a lot for your reply, It's very kind :)
  2. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress questionnaire :

    Hello, Sorry to bother you and I didn't know where to write, But first, I wanted to write to you because I really appreciated your response to my PTSD interview a few months ago it helped me a lot with my work and I wanted to contact you again because I'm doing a project on post-traumatic...
  3. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress interview

    Hello, At first, I wanted to do something for everyone, but my teacher told me that I had to choose a category of people because the project would be too vast, so I chose veterans. And do you have an idea that might enable me to get you to answer the questionnaire? Do you know of an application...
  4. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress interview

    Thank you it's very kind of you but I'm french, I live in France so I can't call, I don't know what to do to continue my project, do you have any ideas please ? Thank you again, Have a good day ;)
  5. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress interview

    Hello, thank you very much for your reply, but do you have a local American Legion or Veterans Service office to recommend? I just want to make sure they are trustworthy and I want them to get back to me fairly quickly ;)
  6. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress interview

    Hello, I'm a high school student doing a project on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To carry out this project, I would like people, mainly veterans suffering from this disorder to answer this questionnaire in order to be more precise in this project, And I want you to know that it is...
  7. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress interview

    Hello, I'd like to inform you that it's completely anonymous and that you don't need to give your e-mail address. Plus, I can't use Survey Monkey because I have to pay
  8. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress interview

    Hello, I'm a high school student doing a project on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To carry out this project, I would like people, mainly veterans suffering from this disorder to reply to the questionnaire attached, in order to be more precise in this project, Thank you for your time and...
  9. S

    Research Post-traumatic stress questionnaire :

    Hello, I'm a french high-school student doing a project on post-traumatic stress disorder. In order to do this project, I need to hear from people who suffer from this disorder, so I can be more precise on the subject. I was wondering if some of you would be kind enough to answer a few...