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  1. R

    I feel lost and stuck at the same time

    I am in my 30's and do not have kids, nor do I think they are in my future. My main purpose in life is my career, it is the only thing that gives me a sense of accomplishment and that I am a contributing member of society. I like going to work, accomplishing tasks, being a part of something...
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    workplace vent

    In my experience, if she is near retirement, a lot of things get overlooked because she will be gone soon anyway. The only thing that keeps me from fully supporting that, though, is the possibility that she could have entered other people's information incorrectly as well. If she did, I feel...
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    Avoiding jobs

    Have you tried an antidepressant?
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    I feel lost and stuck at the same time

    Just quit a restaurant job because I couldn't take it anymore. Every day was like being punched by customers and coworkers. There was unfair favoritism, profane name-calling, gaslighting, hostility, lack of support from coworkers or management. I would feel dread, adrenaline rush through my body...
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    Other My bed is my safe place

    I am not suicidal because I do not want the people who bully me at work to "win". I'd rather my life end on a good note. I am looking for another job to get me thru school. I applied to one that is graveyard shift at a hospital, hopefully it has me working by myself. My gawd, I would LOVE to...
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    Other My bed is my safe place

    I have showered and moved to the living room. My hair is clean but not presentable. I completed two small quizzes today. I have an appointment with my T this week, I am going to show her this thread. I want to say I am also sick with something, but I don't think illness has me unmotivated...
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    Other My bed is my safe place

    I am going through a period of depression. I am unmotivated towards everything. This is in consequence to the hostile work environment I experience every day working at a restaurant. I have been called a bitch twice, the most recent name-calling was due to me standing up for myself. I am...
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    Other My bed is my safe place

    Does anyone else experience this? My bed is my safe place, where I eat my meals, study, hang-out, all day long and then sleep all night long. I leave my bed to do necessary things, but always return. My boyfriend, on the other hand, can get up, go into the living room, and only goes to the bed...
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    ED I am so tired of anorexia

    Maybe you are focusing on the more weight of the person that you were as the reason or identifying marker for trauma. It's possibly almost like saying, "I was raped for wearing a yellow dress, so I am not going to wear a yellow dress anymore." But, in reality, it was the rapist's actions, not...
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    Not in a Good Place

    I was reading another post that is similar to my current feeling/depression. I can count my blessings as a way to see that all is not lost or on the verge of loss. I am in school and I have a house and a vehicle. I have a job, I am not jobless. I can pay my bills. My cat doesn't show any signs...
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    Not in a Good Place

    1. I have a biology exam this Thursday. 2. And next week an algebra exam. 3. Bake something for my boyfriend for valentine's day. 4. Go six months w/o drinking. I can drink chamomile Lavender tea to wind down. It helps me sleep better anyway and I'm less likely to lash out. I would love to...
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    Not in a Good Place

    I got fired from my job for medical marijuana while I was attending college for that job. I changed my major to something completely different and decided to work at a restaurant in the evenings while I attend school during the day. My job is hell on earth. I hate it. Not only do I have to...
  13. R

    I called my boss a narcissist

    Good for you! They may have stained our pasts, but they don't have to stain our future. I'm determined to have a normal rest of my life. My abuser still intrudes my mind. I let him. All he can do now is invade my dreams. But he is powerless, more and more. I am becoming more aware of my triggers...
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    I called my boss a narcissist

    Mainly just sharing I am also not a licensed psychologist, so my opinion of my boss being a narcissist is not credible. I just think it's a unique way for a trigger to show up. My abuser has also passed away. We should really leave the dead's personality disorders with them, but with PTSD...
  15. R

    I called my boss a narcissist

    I was raped by my stepfather at the age of six years old, then groomed and molested by him until I was 26 years old, at which point, I got away from him. My therapist mentioned that he might have had narcissistic personality disorder based on my descriptions of his behavior and treatment towards...
  16. R

    After leaving a toxic workplace, I landed in a new one-- scared and losing hope

    I second this. Interviews are not only for questioning you, but also for you to question your new potential employer. I use the interview as an opportunity to ask questions about the culture specifically. Do not be afraid to ask questions, this is vital information for you and shows the...
  17. R

    Life is not going well - Fired from my job

    I can't tell you how much this hit home right into my soul. I don't think very highly of myself and part of what I would tell myself is that I have a job that is stable and I like, so I am doing well, I am a contributing member of society. I never thought of how much I defined myself with this...
  18. R

    wish I could stop having dreams of my mother's abuse

    I feel your pain. My abuser has been dead for three or so years now and still haunts my dreams every night. I don't have an answer to cure these persistent dreams, but I am sorry that you are experiencing them and hope you find relief soon.
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    Life is not going well - Fired from my job

    In July of this year, I was fired from my job for taking medical marijuana for my panic attacks from ptsd. I absolutely loved my job and I worked for the agency for two years, planned to work for another 30 with the same agency but they fired me. Since then, I lost my health insurance, making...
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    Triggered Rant

    I have not had a trigger in a long time. But I was exhausted yesterday and my boyfriend wanted to wrestle. Usually wrestling isn't a big deal. I do get scared sometimes, I'm afraid he's going to pin me down and not let me move and I get claustrophobic. Past context, my stepdad used to pin me...
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    Rorster Trauma Diary

    Here lately I have been having dreams every night, some of them are nightmares. They always start out with my current boyfriend who morphs into my stepdad. So my feelings start out loving and happy then towards the end fearful. And they scare me, bother me. One night I dreamt of my boyfriend who...
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    Therapist Abandoned Me

    I asked my T about the constant changing schedules and cancelations. She advised me that she was buying a house but everything is settled now so there will no longer be anymore cancelations which there have not been. At the same time, I've been feeling better so we decreased the frequency of my...
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    Rorster Trauma Diary

    Hard for me to connect with people and socialize. My circle is very small. Wish it was bigger. I like to go out and do things. I'm finding that I like the outdoors. But I'm just too reserved. And when I get triggered I can be rude. It's not anyone's fault and I know I'm not supposed to use my...
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    Rorster Trauma Diary

    My mom and dad got married very young and had me and my brother. They divorced and my dad married his second wife, had two kids with her. They divorced, and my dad married his third wife and had three kids with her. My dad was mainly in his third wife's kids lives because his first and second...
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    Rorster Trauma Diary

    Thank you 😊