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  1. C

    The Hunger Games Trilogy

    Read the trilogy love all of them. They really are page turners I read all 3 books in about a week. I am looking forward to the movie.
  2. C

    Undiagnosed Hi, I'm New Here

    I not seen anyone about it in years. Maybe it is time.
  3. C

    Vancouver, Bc

    Hi Trudy, I am In Kelowna. I know it's not Vancouver but close.
  4. C

    Undiagnosed Hi, I'm New Here

    My name is Jo I think I may suffer from PTSD. I watched someone very close to me die a long time ago and to this day I am still re-living it. I have nightmares quite often about the accident the slightest thing will trigger bad memories. everyone says its been long enough get over it but i can. Jo