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Good smells

I have an allergy to fragrance that gets triggered every so often. But when I can tolerate fragrance I love:
  • Baked good smells, especially with vanilla
  • Rose
  • Fresh linen
  • Laundry detergent, can surprisingly always tolerate scented softeners and detergents
  • Lavender
  • Neroli
  • Orange Blossom
  • Tropical scents, although it’s precarious with my pineapple allergy
  • Gardenia
  • Mint
Oranges, the smell of the citrus, I love zesting them. In a baked good, yummy 😋. I also enjoy lemons and limes but oranges somehow with their sweet notes are my favorite.
Making lemon sugar (zesting lemons into sugar) is one of my profound happy places (right up their with hot springs, being held in the arms of someone I love & trust who is so much stronger than me, or babe in arms utterly responsible for another life).

Ever zested oranges into sugar?
Making lemon sugar (zesting lemons into sugar) is one of my profound happy places (right up their with hot springs, being held in the arms of someone I love & trust who is so much stronger than me, or babe in arms utterly responsible for another life).

Ever zested oranges into sugar?
Yes, it’s part of the orange rolls. You cook butter sugar and orange zest and then cook until it loses some of its graininess. Bonus it’s warmed so the smell permeates the house.
Yes, it’s part of the orange rolls. You cook butter sugar and orange zest and then cook until it loses some of its graininess. Bonus it’s warmed so the smell permeates the house.
I do that with my gingerbread (google “oven plywood gingerbread”) houses… every autumn. (The spooky Halloween / Spiderwick house becomes this jolly amazing Christmas gingerbread house. 💕💗 The orange & clove? Good. For. Months. I usually set up the house near ,y front door as the door opening envigorates the smell. Mmm. So, so lovely.