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What Are You Feeling Today? Not Thinking, Rather Feeling! Can You Identify Yours?

Am glad I didn't look until tonight what work has planned for me tomorrow. What a kick in the guts. 😭 I wish I hadn't eaten today if I knew what was required, if I can even accomplish it as I've tried before and am outweighed 4-1. But I am glad I looked now vs tomorrow morning. Geez. Disheartening, worrisome and problematic for me.
Sorry I missed the edit, ETA, mind you, I got a very nice compliment today, and unrelated made a new friend- 7'2" tall, hard to miss.

But also a friend did not return call to pass along info, and work is always dreaded.

I wish positive would not always be overshadowed. What I feel atm is, what's the point of any of this I guess?
No apologies necessary @SeekingAfrica . I have kept mum through untenable situations and minimized them for longer than some people have been alive, and I fully get to some if they had to do the same it would be unfathomable. Sort of a tsunami vs a wave, but unless one's been there it's hard to grasp. How moments change lifetimes. But I do realize it can't be solved, so finding something else is the best I can try.

I am sorry you have been triggered. But as above I was thinking, I can work with a little, but not nothing. I am also not worth a lot, but maybe something. I don't choose for others but I must choose to the extent I can for myself. Even if it's only my thoughts or impressions and conclusions, and what my heart says, and that does not need to be shared when there is a lack of safety or respect or value for it. It's JMHO but even if I keep silent I still have one, that voice.