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Anyone use CBD Oil? And if so what for / how does it help you? Thanks
Yes I do, for a bunch of reasons.
- Arthritis - old injuries come back to haunt you. CBD works for me to relieve symptoms.
-Mood stabilization. Could all be in my head but it helps with mood in a positive way.
- Call it what you will but I have immune system problems because of Addisons. For quite a few years I would end up in the hospital when I got the flu. In Canada, flu season is an annual event so it meant being sick, a trip to the hospital, a fill up of fluids and a "shock dose" of hydro-cortisone. Coincidence or not - I have not had the flu since I started using CBD regularly.
Thanks, got some recently. For years I didn't think it could do anything for me, had no idea - anyway, used it a couple days now, very low dose, and have been really surprised to notice a positive affect on mood and sleep and pain (fibromyalgia).

I read you're supposed to start on a low dose to wake up receptors or something, so just got a low dose for now.

Did you start low n work up @Freddyt ?
I used it for a while, got good results but I was taking it every day and it got way to expensive to keep using.

One thing they told me when I was closing my account was that for something like fibro it isn't used as a preventative. It's only for when you feel a flare up coming on. Wish I had known that sooner!
DId not feel any different with CBD oil (but so glad you did!), but I am using a flower essences blend that I bought on Jackson Galaxy's site, and I definitely notice something!
Thanks, got some recently. For years I didn't think it could do anything for me, had no idea - anyway, used it a couple days now, very low dose, and have been really surprised to notice a positive affect on mood and sleep and pain (fibromyalgia).

I read you're supposed to start on a low dose to wake up receptors or something, so just got a low dose for now.

Did you start low n work up @Freddyt ?
Yes. Low and slow.... Take your time working up it can make you feel nauseous if you start with too much too quick.

I'm not sure about where you are but here it comes in various strengths. I use 15mg per ml strength at 2 ml three times a day.

And watch what its diluted with. I have seen several types of oil used. Generally I use stuff diluted with MCT oil, which has its own health benefits.

I used it for a while, got good results but I was taking it every day and it got way to expensive to keep using.
I have a medical document but I generally buy retail. The stuff I buy is about $15 for a 30ml bottle. Mind you - I'm in Canada and its a little more accessible.
I know a lot of people love it, but I hate it.

CBD in and of itself makes me incrediably paranoid (FINALLY located the source of when I get hit with Mari-noia!); and I’ll be dealing with a panic attack I can’t cease, or slow, until it wears off. There are worse ways to spend 10 hours than curled up in a ball focusing on inhale, exhale, whilst your heart jackhammers along at 140+ bpm… but not that I’d pay money for.

Then I have about a 3 day hangover.

The 1:1 (50% cbd & 50% THC) ointment for muscle relaxation (dragon balm is the brand here, and it really works, for full on apply to cramp and cramp melts away) is as high as I can go without seriously unhappy side effects. But 1:1 taken orally, or inhaled? It will still kick off that 10 hour panic attack. The highest I can comfortably go is about 13% CBD 87% THC.

The only 2 things MJ has ever really helped me with? Doing repetitive tasks for hours without getting bored (like fishing), and going to sleep so deeply I can’t wake even for emergencies. So even overall? Not my cup of tea.
One thing they told me when I was closing my account was that for something like fibro it isn't used as a preventative. It's only for when you feel a flare up coming on. Wish I had known that sooner!

Good to know! Thanks 🙂

but I am using a flower essences blend that I bought on Jackson Galaxy's site, and I definitely notice something!

just out of interest, what is it? And what benefit are you noticing?

Yes. Low and slow.... Take your time working up it can make you feel nauseous if you start with too much too quick.

I'm not sure about where you are but here it comes in various strengths. I use 15mg per ml strength at 2 ml three times a day.

I'm having just 2 to 4 drops daily, 28mg per mil works out 1.4mg per drop. And the one I have is in organic hemp seed oil.
I'm having just 2 to 4 drops daily, 28mg per mil works out 1.4mg per drop. And the one I have is in organic hemp seed oil.
Yup, my med rule is the Least you can use - not the most. The other part is planned breaks, welll, not so much planned as when things are pretty good - take a break for a week or two about every 6 months or so. Sometimes its not possible but keep it in mind.
just out of interest, what is it? And what benefit are you noticing?
It's called Revive, and it contains several flower essences like aspen, chestnut, and rock rose. I feel...lighter, I guess...when I take it. Easier, if that makes sense. The depression is just not as heavy, and I have a little more energy.