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Research Post-traumatic stress questionnaire :


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Hello, I'm a french high-school student doing a project on post-traumatic stress disorder. In order to do this project, I need to hear from people who suffer from this disorder, so I can be more precise on the subject.
I was wondering if some of you would be kind enough to answer a few questions, and if you don't want to answer all the questions, please don't feel obliged.
I thank you for your time and wish you a lovely day and a happy new year.

-How old are you?

-If you are still in school, does this disorder affect your schooling? If so, please give details

-How was this post-traumatic stress disorder triggered?

-How long have you suffered from this disorder?

-When did it happen?

-Where did it happen?

-Does this have an impact on your life? If so, how?

-Does it prevent you from doing things, actions, outings, etc.? If yes, please specify

-Does it affect your social relationships?

-Does it affect your sleep?

-Does this stress affect your physical health? How does it affect you?

-Have you encountered any difficulties or obstacles in your life since this event? If so, please specify

-Does what you think is this disorder affect your mental, physical or social health more?

-What has been the hardest thing for you to do since being affected by this disorder?

-Are you being or have you been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder? If so, how?

If you'd like to add any information on this subject, I'm totally open to it. 😊

You can contact me at my e-mail address: [email protected]
How old are you?

If you are still in school, does this disorder affect your schooling? If so, please give details

I get to set my own schedule, choose my own courses, take off virtually any day in a quarter/semester (if it’s a lab course, there are makeup days) except for midterms & finals / but can plan my life around those 2 days, choose my own seating (I usually sit by the door, so I can leave/rejoin the class at my own discretion, with minimal disruption)… the extreme flexibility allowed in higher Ed, even within incredibly competitive programs? Couldn’t be more ideal. I have Suma grades in 3 of my degrees, Magna in the 4th.

For the first half of my education I also had infants/toddlers/young children in my care. (Both my own & kinship care).

I couldn’t reccomend higherEd any more strongly for parents of young children, or people with PTSD, attempting to learn to manage their disorder. 10 hours per week vs 50 hours per week? (Of “be here, now”). Is INFINITELY easier, and allows for far more hiccups.

How was this post-traumatic stress disorder triggered?
- The first time, in situ. I’m a combat vet.
- The second time, after 10 years virtually symptom free, by my then-husband attempting to kill me & our child.

How long have you suffered from this disorder?
Since the late 90s.

It took me roughly 5-7 years to unf*ck my head the first time, a good decade of good life/living, and then things went sideways again.

When did it happen?

-Where did it happen?
Initially? I was a US Marine; SAR Swimmer & Crew Chief (CH46 & CH53e). After discharge I was a mercenary & aid worker (disaster response, for the most part. I still volunteer.). In addition, there’s a helluva lotta sexual assault/rape, a soupçon of K&R & torture, & as you’ve probably guessed by my husband attempting to kill me & our child? I married badly. So there’s domestic violence, spousal rape, & a few other fun things.

Does this have an impact on your life? If so, how?
It very much depends.

When I’m doing well? No. Not at all. That’s called being asymptomatic, and well over 90% of people with PTSD (I’ve read as high as 94-96%) attain it.

When I’m doing badly? Yes. Very much. As in homeless, jobless, nonfunctional in the extreme. I’ve had millions in the bank, and been unable to fill out lease paperwork, sleeping on the beach and eating once a week or so. I’ve been flat broke but living the high life, with red soled shoes & the best hotels. My life is… quirky.

Generally speaking? When I need help the most, I am unable to acquire it. I simple cannot PARSE how to, even if I can recognize that I need to. Which is rare.

As soon as I don’t need help? I don’t need help.

So I’ve never been on disability, benefits, etc. My life tends to bounce from one extreme to the other, with very little in between.

Does it prevent you from doing things, actions, outings, etc.? If yes, please specify

When I’m doing badly? I am unable to do ANYTHING. Which includes eat/sleep/use the loo… all of it. Locked in 20+ hours a day of flashbacks/panic attacks/etc. plus nightmares whilst I sleep. I’ve lost months and years of my life to this level of seriously f*cked up.

When I’m doing well? Nope! Crazy rich/full/amazing life.

Does it affect your social relationships?
It affected them far more BEFORE I realized that my emotions just tend to shut off, in response to stress. They’ll come back, once I manage my stress. So I act-as-if. BEFORE I used to end relationships, act out/lash out in anger/etc. Now? I just ignore myself, and wait for what I know is intellectually true, to return.

Does it STILL have an effect on my relationships? Certainly. It’s just such a mild effect that I basically DGAF.

Does it affect your sleep?
Yes. Whether I’m doing well, or doing badly.

Does this stress affect your physical health? How does it affect you?
Couldn’t say.

I’ve needed soooooooo many surgeries for actual injuries plus ongoing “getting older” health stuff, that there isn’t anything weird/unexplained in my medical history. The opposite. My doctors are frankly shocked I’m doing as well as I am.

Have you encountered any difficulties or obstacles in your life since this event? If so, please specify
Pfft. That’s just life, darling. No one gets out alive. One obstacle to the next. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

Have I encountered more CritA trauma than my initial boost into PTSD? Yep. In spades. Some I’ve handled well, some badly, some in between.

Do what you love. Or?

Find something worth dying for, and figure out a way to LIVE for it. (Much harder, but worth it.)

Does what you think is this disorder affect your mental, physical or social health more?
Depends on the day or year.

I have a very static/unchanging disorder (ADHD)… I also have PTSD which is keeeeerazy reactive.

When I’m doing well my PTSD isn’t a part of my life, full stop.
When I’m doing badly, my PTSD is inflicted upon every area of my life.

What has been the hardest thing for you to do since being affected by this disorder?
Be happy when other people are… instead of being stressed to the max & attempting to deal with THAT. >>> See The ptsd cup explanation

-Are you being or have you been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder? If so, how?
The first time I went sideways… nope! No treatment. It took me between 5-7 years to unf*ck my head/heart.

The second time I went symptomatic.. it’s 10 years, and counting, still being f*cked up. And, yep. Still doing the trauma therapy thing, off & on.

That puts me on the very VERY narrow edge, statically speaking.

MOST people with PTSD, with OR without treatment unf*ck themselves in about 6mo. It’s only a teeny tiny minority who are dealing with symptoms long term. Whilst the disorder might be lifelong, it’s rare -not just statically rare, but seeeeriously rare- that it’s as much of an issue as it has been in my life. That’s partly due to circumstance, partly due to my own choices, partly due to je ne sais quoi
-How old are you?

-If you are still in school, does this disorder affect your schooling? If so, please give details
I dropped out of school in grade 9 for two reasons: developing PTSD and traumatic brain injury.

-How was this post-traumatic stress disorder triggered?
I was indoctrinated into an armed group as a child.

-How long have you suffered from this disorder?
16 years.

-When did it happen?
My PTSD was delayed. The traumatic situation I was in ended when I was 12, and I developed PTSD at age 16.

-Where did it happen?
North America.

-Does this have an impact on your life? If so, how?
It impacts every part of my life.

-Does it prevent you from doing things, actions, outings, etc.? If yes, please specify
I try to go for a walk every day with my mom. My life is very low and slow, by design. I play games, watch TV, try to laugh and talk with people who matter to me. I like to focus on the positives, and on the things that I am privileged to have. My family, the cats, a roof over my head, enough food to eat, physical safety.

-Does it affect your social relationships?
It does, but I'm learning how to navigate that. How to be authentically Weemie, whilst still remaining socially appropriate.

-Does it affect your sleep?
Yes. I sleep about 2 hours a night if I'm lucky. Usually I'm awake for days at a time.

-Does this stress affect your physical health? How does it affect you?
I was prescribed a beta blocker at age 30, so I'd say the stress definitely has impacted my body's homeostasis. Additionally I have numerous physical disabilities as a result of the abuse inflicted on me.

-Have you encountered any difficulties or obstacles in your life since this event? If so, please specify
Sure, but I'm good at taking things in stride. It's all the little nitpicky things throughout the day that gets more challenging. My senses are out of whack, so I spend a lot of time regulating my sensory input.

-Does what you think is this disorder affect your mental, physical or social health more?
At this point probably my social health is what suffers the most, but that is not due to PTSD.

-What has been the hardest thing for you to do since being affected by this disorder?
Connect with other people.

-Are you being or have you been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder? If so, how?
Yes. I treat my PTSD using pharmacological means (psilocybin, dextromethorphan, gabapentin) and various therapeutic modalities such as FORNET and ERP.
-How old are you?

-If you are still in school, does this disorder affect your schooling? If so, please give details

Not in school anymore. I obtained a graduate degree and board certification before my PTSD was triggered.

-How was this post-traumatic stress disorder triggered?

My life decompensated about 3.5 years ago. I believe I could no longer manage the stress. I’ve not been able to function normally ever since.

-How long have you suffered from this disorder?

Noticeably? For 3.5 years.

-When did it happen?

I have multiple complex traumas that have occurred throughout my life stemming from childhood sexual abuse and neglect followed by inter-partner violence and human trafficking beginning as an adolescent and continuing into adulthood.

-Where did it happen?

Multiple locations across various states, USA.

-Does this have an impact on your life? If so, how?

It impacts every facet of my life. I can no longer work normally, I struggle with nightmares, flashbacks, body pain, repressed memories, and severe dissociation.

-Does it prevent you from doing things, actions, outings, etc.? If yes, please specify

I cannot work normally anymore. I am tired a lot so it prevents me from engaging in a lot of activities I used to love to do.

-Does it affect your social relationships?

Yes, especially with my husband. I need a lot more support (I used to be extremely independent). I also struggle with emotional outbursts, panic attacks, depression and anxiety that affects our relationship and that with friends and family.

-Does it affect your sleep?

Yes, I mostly struggle to fall asleep and struggle to get quality sleep. Sometimes I wake frequently due to nightmares. I am often tired when I wake up.

-Does this stress affect your physical health? How does it affect you?

Yes, I am physically sore and exhausted frequently from muscle armoring. I also have a conversion disorder that affects my eyes.

-Have you encountered any difficulties or obstacles in your life since this event? If so, please specify

Yes, the primary obstacle has actually been engaging in the healing process (it’s been so painful) and working to come to terms with my trauma. That and struggling with all that comes with not being able to work and earn a steady income.

-Does what you think is this disorder affect your mental, physical or social health more?

All of the above! But if I had to pick one, mental.

-What has been the hardest thing for you to do since being affected by this disorder?

Accept the repressed memories that have resurfaced and accept that I am a survivor of abuse and trafficking.

-Are you being or have you been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder? If so, how?

Yes, I am currently being treated. Trauma therapy, EMDR, yoga therapy, Reiki, Neurofeedback, art therapy, group therapy, and looking into ketamine therapy.
-How old are you?


-If you are still in school, does this disorder affect your schooling? If so, please give details

Trying to get back into school once again. I have been off and on through various institutions since the mid 2000’s because of PTSD symptoms interfering and me not understanding yet that that is what was happening.

-How was this post-traumatic stress disorder triggered?

Complex traumas through various types of abuse growing up, most significantly sex abuse. Then a very, very bad marriage to a predator.

-How long have you suffered from this disorder?

I’m not really sure when the onset of symptoms started, maybe teens but maybe earlier.

-When did it happen?

Multiple complex traumas throughout several years but sex abuse started when I was 7.

-Where did it happen?

My home.

-Does this have an impact on your life? If so, how?

It’s had a major impact, from being why I married who I did, to struggling with school and jobs, to struggling in many other areas.

-Does it prevent you from doing things, actions, outings, etc.? If yes, please specify

Yes, I have pretty intense social anxiety and just anxiety in general.

-Does it affect your social relationships?

Yes, I rarely put any energy into the relationships I have and don’t really pursue new ones. I want to, for both. But it’s so damned hard.

-Does it affect your sleep?

Yes, frequent nightmares and insomnia.

-Does this stress affect your physical health? How does it affect you?

Yes, I have depressive episodes that have me laying in bed for days, it’s impossible to stick to a routine of getting regular exercise, I binge eat, and I’m starting to have some actual health problems.

-Have you encountered any difficulties or obstacles in your life since this event? If so, please specify

Of course, like Friday said, that’s life. But nothing to the PTSD giving extreme. Well, since leaving the ex anyway.

-Does what you think is this disorder affect your mental, physical or social health more?

I don’t know that it affects any one more than another because it is so complex and dominates so many areas of life.

-What has been the hardest thing for you to do since being affected by this disorder?

Learn just *how* unhealthy my family is.

-Are you being or have you been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder? If so, how?

Yes, currently in trauma therapy.
-How old are you?

-If you are still in school, does this disorder affect your schooling? If so, please give details
I am no longer in school

-How was this post-traumatic stress disorder triggered?
domestic abuse (rape, strangulation, verbal, physical, and emotional) by my husband.

-How long have you suffered from this disorder?
I'm not sure when it started. It started while I was still with him from 1986-2010.

-When did it happen?
1986-2010, and still ongoing

-Where did it happen?

-Does this have an impact on your life? If so, how?
Yes. It impacts every aspect of my life. I can function in my job and life. I have anxiety and depression. I self isolate, sometimes for days at a time.

-Does it prevent you from doing things, actions, outings, etc.? If yes, please specify
Yes. I don't want to go out and do things. I don't want to be around people. I don't feel safe.

-Does it affect your social relationships?
Yes. I don't have friends, and I don't go out and do activities with others.

-Does it affect your sleep?
Yes, a lot. I have a lot of trouble getting into bed and falling asleep. I have trouble staying asleep, and I have a lot of nightmares. I take medication to help with sleep, but it only does a little bit.

-Does this stress affect your physical health? How does it affect you?
Yes. I am always tense, I am always tired, I am constantly stressed. I realized a while back that when I watch movies at home, my hands are fisted tightly during the action scenes. I disassociate, hypervigilant, anxious. I hadn't realized how anxious I was until I started taking medication for it.

-Have you encountered any difficulties or obstacles in your life since this event? If so, please specify.
Yes, many. As I said before, I isolate and don't go out or do activities. I have to act like I am happy and ok, even though I'm not. I get overwhelmed

-Does what you think is this disorder affect your mental, physical or social health more?
All of them

-What has been the hardest thing for you to do since being affected by this disorder?
Feel safe

-Are you being or have you been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder? If so, how?
Yes. I am seeing a trauma therapist, and I am taking medication for anxiety, depression, and sleep problems.
How old are you?
f you are still in school, does this disorder affect your schooling? If so, please give details
Yes. I am currently in a graduate program for counseling, and occasionally will be triggered by a topic.
-How was this post-traumatic stress disorder triggered?
Domestic violence and sexual abuse by my ex-wife.
How long have you suffered from this disorder?
21 or 22 years.
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
Does this have an impact on your life? If so, how?
It has had a profound impact on my life in practically every domain.
Does it prevent you from doing things, actions, outings, etc.? If yes, please specify
It prevents me from creating or fully enjoying interpersonal relationships.
Does it affect your social relationships?
Does it affect your sleep?
Yes, but this is well controlled through medication.
Does this stress affect your physical health? How does it affect you?
Probably. Greater stress leads to more frequent illness.
Have you encountered any difficulties or obstacles in your life since this event? If so, please specify
My PTSD manifested as crippling depression, untreatable with medication, as well as intractable self-hatred. It has also prevented the formation of close relationships. I have problems appropriately regulating my emotions.
Does what you think is this disorder affect your mental, physical or social health more?
All life domains are affected fairly equally
What has been the hardest thing for you to do since being affected by this disorder?
Maintain intimate relationships
Are you being or have you been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder


I get to set my own schedule, choose my own courses, take off virtually any day in a quarter/semester (if it’s a lab course, there are makeup days) except for midterms & finals / but can plan my life around those 2 days, choose my own seating (I usually sit by the door, so I can leave/rejoin the class at my own discretion, with minimal disruption)… the extreme flexibility allowed in higher Ed, even within incredibly competitive programs? Couldn’t be more ideal. I have Suma grades in 3 of my degrees, Magna in the 4th.

For the first half of my education I also had infants/toddlers/young children in my care. (Both my own & kinship care).

I couldn’t reccomend higherEd any more strongly for parents of young children, or people with PTSD, attempting to learn to manage their disorder. 10 hours per week vs 50 hours per week? (Of “be here, now”). Is INFINITELY easier, and allows for far more hiccups.

- The first time, in situ. I’m a combat vet.
- The second time, after 10 years virtually symptom free, by my then-husband attempting to kill me & our child.

Since the late 90s.

It took me roughly 5-7 years to unf*ck my head the first time, a good decade of good life/living, and then things went sideways again.

Initially? I was a US Marine; SAR Swimmer & Crew Chief (CH46 & CH53e). After discharge I was a mercenary & aid worker (disaster response, for the most part. I still volunteer.). In addition, there’s a helluva lotta sexual assault/rape, a soupçon of K&R & torture, & as you’ve probably guessed by my husband attempting to kill me & our child? I married badly. So there’s domestic violence, spousal rape, & a few other fun things.

It very much depends.

When I’m doing well? No. Not at all. That’s called being asymptomatic, and well over 90% of people with PTSD (I’ve read as high as 94-96%) attain it.

When I’m doing badly? Yes. Very much. As in homeless, jobless, nonfunctional in the extreme. I’ve had millions in the bank, and been unable to fill out lease paperwork, sleeping on the beach and eating once a week or so. I’ve been flat broke but living the high life, with red soled shoes & the best hotels. My life is… quirky.

Generally speaking? When I need help the most, I am unable to acquire it. I simple cannot PARSE how to, even if I can recognize that I need to. Which is rare.

As soon as I don’t need help? I don’t need help.

So I’ve never been on disability, benefits, etc. My life tends to bounce from one extreme to the other, with very little in between.

When I’m doing badly? I am unable to do ANYTHING. Which includes eat/sleep/use the loo… all of it. Locked in 20+ hours a day of flashbacks/panic attacks/etc. plus nightmares whilst I sleep. I’ve lost months and years of my life to this level of seriously f*cked up.

When I’m doing well? Nope! Crazy rich/full/amazing life.

It affected them far more BEFORE I realized that my emotions just tend to shut off, in response to stress. They’ll come back, once I manage my stress. So I act-as-if. BEFORE I used to end relationships, act out/lash out in anger/etc. Now? I just ignore myself, and wait for what I know is intellectually true, to return.

Does it STILL have an effect on my relationships? Certainly. It’s just such a mild effect that I basically DGAF.

Yes. Whether I’m doing well, or doing badly.

Couldn’t say.

I’ve needed soooooooo many surgeries for actual injuries plus ongoing “getting older” health stuff, that there isn’t anything weird/unexplained in my medical history. The opposite. My doctors are frankly shocked I’m doing as well as I am.

Pfft. That’s just life, darling. No one gets out alive. One obstacle to the next. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

Have I encountered more CritA trauma than my initial boost into PTSD? Yep. In spades. Some I’ve handled well, some badly, some in between.

Do what you love. Or?

Find something worth dying for, and figure out a way to LIVE for it. (Much harder, but worth it.)

Depends on the day or year.

I have a very static/unchanging disorder (ADHD)… I also have PTSD which is keeeeerazy reactive.

When I’m doing well my PTSD isn’t a part of my life, full stop.
When I’m doing badly, my PTSD is inflicted upon every area of my life.

Be happy when other people are… instead of being stressed to the max & attempting to deal with THAT. >>> See The ptsd cup explanation

The first time I went sideways… nope! No treatment. It took me between 5-7 years to unf*ck my head/heart.

The second time I went symptomatic.. it’s 10 years, and counting, still being f*cked up. And, yep. Still doing the trauma therapy thing, off & on.

That puts me on the very VERY narrow edge, statically speaking.

MOST people with PTSD, with OR without treatment unf*ck themselves in about 6mo. It’s only a teeny tiny minority who are dealing with symptoms long term. Whilst the disorder might be lifelong, it’s rare -not just statically rare, but seeeeriously rare- that it’s as much of an issue as it has been in my life. That’s partly due to circumstance, partly due to my own choices, partly due to je ne sais quoi

Sorry to bother you and I didn't know where to write,

But first, I wanted to write to you because I really appreciated your response to my PTSD interview a few months ago it helped me a lot with my work and I wanted to contact you again because I'm doing a project on post-traumatic stress that only triggers military veterans. In fact, my teacher asked me to choose a category of person to have a less vast subject and so I chose veterans.

I wanted to contact you again because I'm doing a project on post-traumatic stress which only triggers military veterans, so I made a questionnaire but it's difficult for me to get answers from veterans, so I wanted to know if it was possible if you could send my questionnaires to other military veterans to get some general data. The questionnaire is completely anonymous and I only ask general things like age, where and when and how it affects their health,
I thank you for your attention and for your help if possible,
have a good day !
Here's the questionnaire : Questionnaire PTSD
I would also like to add that e-mail addresses are not collected.
Sorry to bother you and I didn't know where to write,
No bother. Qui ne risque rien n'a rien.
so I wanted to know if it was possible if you could send my questionnaires to other military veterans to get some general data
I -personally- stay as far outside of vet-circles as I can manage, when I’m doing badly… so I’m not a good resource for you, sadly. That said? Both French & Israeli forces have been some of the MOST helpful to me, in my own life. Great Respect.

The questionnaire is completely anonymous and I only ask general things like age, where and when and how it affects their health,
I thank you for your attention and for your help if possible,

You have a tremendous local resources at your disposal; Sûreté nationale (Police nationale? It’s been awhile since I’ve been in France, & aside from the DGSE, I’m a little behind the current names for gendarmes), Légion étrangère, & Médecins Sans Frontières, Désolé(e) pour ça… would be my personal sources…

La fortune favorise les audacieux

…Best of luck to you, bon chance.

My French is mostly creole, rather than Parisian, my apologies. And best wishes.
No bother. Qui ne risque rien n'a rien.

I -personally- stay as far outside of vet-circles as I can manage, when I’m doing badly… so I’m not a good resource for you, sadly. That said? Both French & Israeli forces have been some of the MOST helpful to me, in my own life. Great Respect.


You have a tremendous local resources at your disposal; Sûreté nationale (Police nationale? It’s been awhile since I’ve been in France, & aside from the DGSE, I’m a little behind the current names for gendarmes), Légion étrangère, & Médecins Sans Frontières, Désolé(e) pour ça… would be my personal sources…

La fortune favorise les audacieux

…Best of luck to you, bon chance.

My French is mostly creole, rather than Parisian, my apologies. And best wishes.
Thanks a lot for your reply, It's very kind :)